Thursday afternoon, 3 p.m.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

sleight of hand & twist of fate..

Nothing succeeds like success, nothing fails like failure - Have been realizing this over the past few months. When you are at the beginning of a path not so well trodden, most people will either steer clear of you or offer you unsolicited advice on how you should have done the conventional thing which all your friends did & how they're now 'settled' in life. However, when you succeed on the same path, the very same people will look at you in a completely different light. Suddenly, your plan becomes a masterplan. Scores of people want to ask you for career advice and whether they should follow Path 1 or Path 2 or Path 'n'. This was the same me one year back - perspectives, plans and career goals. But now, I'm apparently the master strategist, the guy who is now 'set' in life! :) All it requires is a couple of big career hits. You are reborn in the eyes of the world. Such are the vagaries of fate. The coming of age of your destiny. Your 15 minutes in the spot light. Enjoy it. But remember - success and failure are imposters both to be treated alike. This too shall pass away......nothing succeeds like success, nothing fails like failure.


  • Behind you are all the accomplishments and challenges you conquered
    before you lie new horizons filled with endless possibilities

    so N'joy

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 12:13 PM  

  • Really nice that u had the faith and the courage to take the unconventional path and stick to it till u reached ur destination.....Sucesses and failures in life come and go.....but the most important thing is how u take them in ur stride........let not success go to your head and let not failure upset u to no ends..........

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 9:10 PM  

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