Thursday afternoon, 3 p.m.

Friday, February 17, 2006


Heard 'She's like the wind' from the Dirty Dancing OST at the office cafeteria during breakfast. What a song! It opened up a treasure trove of memories - lazy sunlit afternoons spent gazing out of the window, discussing the different were those times from the present, how different were perspectives, aims & plans. I see myself now as an almost 180 deg changed person. Those were days of impulsiveness, when life's major responsibilities were just a part of the future, when the impetuousness of youth was at its brash best, when dreams were not yet burdened with the cognizance of the limitations of reality - yes, those were 'the' days! :) Feel the need to rekindle more of that today.
On a more practical note, went with R to meet mom yesterday- R met with mom for what was, for all practical purposes, the first time. The location was perfect - a CCD outlet across the road from the sea. It went like a dream - the two most important women in my life liked each other a lot - mom made this very sweet gesture of getting a gift for R and promptly spent the next hour discussing in detail with her all my foibles & how difficult a person I was to be with while I simply looked on (As it is I did not have a choice - I was outnumbered 2 to 1!). Of course, R knew all that and just kept smiling sweetly throughout. All in all, an hour and half well spent.(See so much of the 'next gen' hanging out at places like CCD. Feel quite a disconnect with them - we were far more tentative and hazy at that age; our high school life was spent without mobile phones, coffee outlets, computers/laptops at home - life was simple then!) Need to translate my vague travel plans for March into something concrete this weekend. Hope the weekend is productive.
Keep reading blogs of ISB students, so much so that I've started feeling as if I'm there already. As a good friend and ISB alum told me when I was discussing my chilling out March plans with him - "Enjoy as much as possible now coz soon you're gonna get the f@#! of your life". The "floating in the air" feeling of having gotten into what is arguably the best b-school in the country is now rapidly wearing off. As I read through the ISB junta blogs (placement season is on), I realize that getting into the company of your choice is a far more critical thing than just getting into ISB and the disappointment at not getting in would be exponential compared to that at not getting into ISB. Hmmm.... wonder if it makes you get philosophical in life. Have a great weekend, all ye who cast thy eyes on this blog! :)


  • At the moment God seems to be showering all his blessings on u..........making it to ISB, cool travel plans in March, the 2 most imp women in ur life getting comfortable with each other.......what more could one ask for.........this seems like a perfect dreamland where everything is in place..........Hope life be as good as this forever for u and nobody cast his/her evil eye on ur hapiness.......

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 9:21 PM  

  • nadu,
    way to go... best of luck...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 9:11 PM  

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