Thursday afternoon, 3 p.m.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Tagged! i was tagged by Dhimant. So, here goes -

I am thinking
where else in this world I would have liked to be if I'm not where I am right now.

I said
what the f!@#

I want
a 'Malgudi Days' kind of simple life.

I wish
you were here~

I miss
'Gaarva' on the stereo whilst long drives in the rain with R.

I hear
the delicate sound of thunder.

I wonder
what 'infinity' means in actual terms.

I regret
many things - all I've learnt from & changed.

I am
very very, very patient!

I dance
my heart out.

I sing
whenever/wherever I feel like singing.

I cry
rarely but surely.

I am not
an a**h**e.

I write

I confuse
nobody - am a straightforward guy.

I need
a good book, Simon & Grafunkel on my ipod.

I should
get my act together; hightime.

I finish
what i start - everytime!

& in this case by tagging Disco, Sayesha,
Soumya, Enakshi, Chiranth & Tejas.


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