Thursday afternoon, 3 p.m.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Of ANOVAs and champagne supernovas...

Howdy folks!
Term break is on. Had so much to say. Still do. Inertia pulls me down. Intended to write something about the Profs in Term 1. Also intended to write a bit about learnings from Term 1. When someone else does a better job of things, it is good to direct readers to those readings. Hence, run along to this one for Profs and this one for learnings from Term 1. Also, this one for analysis of the petrol/diesel prices hike.
Am in the process of rejuvenating and getting life back on track. Excuse the gap in blogging. Expect something nice over the weekend. For sure.
Keep the faith.

P.S. - Have updated the Blogs section section. You may want to check it out. Also, the pic on this post is from Chandoo's blog. It's Khandala in the rains.


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