Arbit CPs - Week One
Week 1 produced many superb arbit CPs (Class Participation). Here are a few samples -
Accounting class (1st day of core terms, 1st class, 1st 5 mins )
Prof: Japanese banks were told to suppress negative financial information. Is this advisable?
T : No, this is a short term view. You’re treating the symptom and not the disease.
Accounting class
M : Would the derivative markets accentuate the fall in stock market prices. ( this was said in the context of why companies release information to shareholders almost throughout the year)
Prof (after thinking for a while): Yes.
Marketing Class
Prof : On what basis would you segment the jewelry market ?
N : Metrosexual males would prefer to wear some kind of jewelry. So, gender would be a good basis for segmentation.
Prof (to N): What jewelry would you prefer to wear?
Marketing Class
Prof: Why is the price difference between these two brands of pregnancy detection kits?
SS: It’s likely that the lower-priced Rapid Vue would be used repeatedly. The ‘hopeful’ segment would be single usage & the ‘fearful’ segment would be multiple usage .
Prof: You really don’t understand this market, do you?
Economics class
Prof: This section of the graph represents the elastic area of demand, while this other region is the inelastic area. In which area would you like your company to operate?
S : When the elasticity moves from the elastic part to the inelastic part, you are no longer elastic. When your elasticity is in the elastic side of the graph… (class bursts out laughing)
Marketing class
Prof : What is market segmentation?
Guy puts up his hand animatedly.
Prof : Yes, you.
Guy : Sir, it is what it is. I mean…. it is.
Eco prof had explained that for the aggregate demand curve, there exists a kink in the curve since it is the addition of two curves.
N: At what point does the curve get kinky?
Accounting class
Prof: So if we pay by cash, the cash account reduces.
Guy: What if we pay by cheque?
Statistics pre term class
Prof: Suppose a person tosses a coin, there's an equal probability of either Heads or Tails turning up.
Guy: What is the probability that the person would actually toss the coin?
hey nadkar,
why dont we complie an excel sheet of arbit CPs? we can compare the best of them and give a prize. ofcourse we know that S is goin 2 win hands down
Anonymous, At
12:54 PM
Good collection. I ve told the kinky one to some ppl. Its quite funny :))
Venkat, At
5:16 PM
Amazing... even the 'funny' excerpts of ISB are a class apart. :)
Anonymous, At
6:11 PM
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~S~, At
11:20 PM
I hope I win big time but I know S is gonna take the honors hands down.
Anonymous, At
11:28 PM
ha ha ha ha ha
Anonymous, At
10:20 PM
interesting tidbits there... are these from section B?
Anonymous, At
9:14 AM
Hi vikram,
Most are from section C. A few from other sections.
iceman, At
8:29 PM
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