Thursday afternoon, 3 p.m.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

About A

Met with A, one of my oldest & closest friends yesterday. We are so much on the same wavelength & so often think alike that it becomes unnecessary to even complete sentences or topics - each of us knows exactly what the other one is talking about. As always, after the usual 'whats happening in life' part of the conversation, talks inevitably veered towards the abstract, spiritualism, practical applications of the Bhagwad Gita & how not to let the mind become a slave to weaknesses & temptations. We had a very nice discussion on the difference between being 'goal oriented' & 'fruit-of-the-action oriented'. A very apt shloka from the Gita is what we both so completely believe in & which so perfectly sums up the balance between being action oriented yet free from its fruits -

Karmanyeva adhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana
Ma karmaphalahetur bhurma te sangostvakarmani.

"Thy business is with the action only, never with its fruits; so let not the fruits of action be thy motive, nor be thou to inaction attached."

A is getting married on the 19th of this month & I'll defnitely try to be there. By the way, this will be one of my last posts before ISB. Will probably write one more post after this pre ISB. Although I was feeling quite normal all this time, am now starting to feel the pulse quicken & the excitement mount slowly but surely.

P.S. - For a fantastically funny (but very accurate) take on what most of us (Class of '07) have gone through ever since the Rs. 1cr/annum salary placement news has come out, check this out.


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