Thursday afternoon, 3 p.m.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Too old to rock n' roll, too young to die..

Sitting in a class for 'Decision Modelling & Optimization' - lot of quant, logic. Although I'm able to comprehend what is being discussed, my mind wanders - bored as it is with this topic. Browsing through a few profiles on Orkut. Old friends, school buddies. Time travelled back to the past - my school days. Where are the days of happy abandon, the love for poetry, the joy of reading classics late into the night with a cup of hot chocolate, of playing endless sessions of cricket with close friends, discussing latest crushes ? I know this topic has been discussed ad nauseam but it stills bring forth a huge chunk of memories that will always be close to my heart.

Forward to 3 days - Sunday. Exams tomorrow. Was riding the elevator to the 4th floor of the LRC. From somewhere, smelt that amazing smell of coffee brewing. Suddenly broke free of the exam shackles - mentally migrated to a nice book, open lawns, nice breeze - life is far more than 120 mins and 25 marks (DMOP).

Going home to Ahmedabad in the term break. Next post will be from there. Until then, breathe......


  • well u echo my sentiments..

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 11:59 AM  

  • Nice..keep writing and posting ur sentiments..
    Happy journey to Ahmedabad!
    Keep breathing!

    By Blogger Enakshi, At 6:28 PM  

  • bahut sahi hai bhai...likhte raho...can't forget the "happy days of abandon" and don't ever want to :)

    By Blogger Da Vinci, At 1:13 AM  

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