Thursday afternoon, 3 p.m.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

time is flying by!

Another week and am faced with the harsh realities of having to do a billion things before I leave for ISB. Finish pending assignments at work, start off with the educational loan process, pay a billion bills, change addresses at a billion places - bank, credit card, phone et al, organize finances to fund my travel plans next month (concretize my plans in the first place), get my deposit from my house owner in Bangalore (its been 3 months since I moved to Mumbai & this has still not been done - inexcusable!), keep track of housing, books, laptop, etc needed at ISB, meet up with relatives (whom I had so far completely ignored) before I leave Mumbai, hopefully get in touch with fellow Mumbaikars who will be part of PGP '07, increase my insurance cover about 12X....the list is endless. Its a good challenge for my so called time management skills. Had figured that since R (my wife to be) is out of town, would somehow get all this done since would end up with surplus time. But it just doesn't seem so. Everyday seems to flash by in a jiffy. Need to set daily targets otherwise this is gonna be quite impossible.
At ISB, new records seem to be getting set through the placement week. I can well imagine that I will be in the same boat one year down the line - anxious with anticipation. But that is probably too far into the future to worry about right now.
Just uploaded about 100+ of pics of family, friends, Bangalore junta, Mumbai roomies, office mates, etc onto my laptop. Plan to create an alternate blog for pics.
Will end with a few things I definitely will do in the next month - travel to Goa, Bangalore, etc., brush up on my Spanish - used to be quite good at it a year back and of course watch as many seasons of F.R.I.E.N.D.S from my DVD collection.


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