and hello!
Got back from a superb term break in Ahmedabad. Everytime I go back, this place creates ripples in my heart & leaves a longing to not leave it. Again. Akin to one's first love which one would never forget. The rains made it better. Awake at midnight, listening to the pitter patter of the rain drops on my roof - memories of a past life when life used to be centered around this place. Now, new horizons have formed, new things to 'achieve' - life moves on along what is, hopefully, a gently (but surely) upward sloping curve.
Term 3 started with a vengance today - about 200+ pages of pre read on day 1 itself. Promises to be a busy term. Will keep this blog posted with perspectives. Till then, enjoy the rains - hum onto that song & most importantly, smile!
Term 3 started with a vengance today - about 200+ pages of pre read on day 1 itself. Promises to be a busy term. Will keep this blog posted with perspectives. Till then, enjoy the rains - hum onto that song & most importantly, smile!