Thursday afternoon, 3 p.m.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

and hello!

Got back from a superb term break in Ahmedabad. Everytime I go back, this place creates ripples in my heart & leaves a longing to not leave it. Again. Akin to one's first love which one would never forget. The rains made it better. Awake at midnight, listening to the pitter patter of the rain drops on my roof - memories of a past life when life used to be centered around this place. Now, new horizons have formed, new things to 'achieve' - life moves on along what is, hopefully, a gently (but surely) upward sloping curve.
Term 3 started with a vengance today - about 200+ pages of pre read on day 1 itself. Promises to be a busy term. Will keep this blog posted with perspectives. Till then, enjoy the rains - hum onto that song & most importantly, smile!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Too old to rock n' roll, too young to die..

Sitting in a class for 'Decision Modelling & Optimization' - lot of quant, logic. Although I'm able to comprehend what is being discussed, my mind wanders - bored as it is with this topic. Browsing through a few profiles on Orkut. Old friends, school buddies. Time travelled back to the past - my school days. Where are the days of happy abandon, the love for poetry, the joy of reading classics late into the night with a cup of hot chocolate, of playing endless sessions of cricket with close friends, discussing latest crushes ? I know this topic has been discussed ad nauseam but it stills bring forth a huge chunk of memories that will always be close to my heart.

Forward to 3 days - Sunday. Exams tomorrow. Was riding the elevator to the 4th floor of the LRC. From somewhere, smelt that amazing smell of coffee brewing. Suddenly broke free of the exam shackles - mentally migrated to a nice book, open lawns, nice breeze - life is far more than 120 mins and 25 marks (DMOP).

Going home to Ahmedabad in the term break. Next post will be from there. Until then, breathe......

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Tagged! i was tagged by Dhimant. So, here goes -

I am thinking
where else in this world I would have liked to be if I'm not where I am right now.

I said
what the f!@#

I want
a 'Malgudi Days' kind of simple life.

I wish
you were here~

I miss
'Gaarva' on the stereo whilst long drives in the rain with R.

I hear
the delicate sound of thunder.

I wonder
what 'infinity' means in actual terms.

I regret
many things - all I've learnt from & changed.

I am
very very, very patient!

I dance
my heart out.

I sing
whenever/wherever I feel like singing.

I cry
rarely but surely.

I am not
an a**h**e.

I write

I confuse
nobody - am a straightforward guy.

I need
a good book, Simon & Grafunkel on my ipod.

I should
get my act together; hightime.

I finish
what i start - everytime!

& in this case by tagging Disco, Sayesha,
Soumya, Enakshi, Chiranth & Tejas.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Farewell to the Gods - Part Deux

Part of Prof. Krishna Kumar's farewell email to us -

i am reminded of a quote attributed to confucius:

“Every truth has four corners: as a teacher I give you one corner,

and it is for you to find the other three.”

i gave you one corner (which admittedly was classical :). best

wishes in finding the other three.

Amazing teacher, amazing person.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


My interest in the World Cup is now at best, academic. Brazil being kicked out by France was horrible to watch. But they has just themselves to blame. Where was the genius of Ronaldinho that we saw in 2002? Where was the amazing strike power of Ronaldo? Where was the performance to back the highly publicised 'potential' of Kaka? All in all, Brazil defeated themselves. Whether it was complacency, lethargy or plain lack of form - they will need to introspect.