Thursday afternoon, 3 p.m.

Saturday, August 19, 2006


BCG came to campus a couple of nights back (nights because the session started at 9.30 and went on till midnight) to conduct a session on 'careers in consulting'. Extremely informative, not too impressive. The session was meant to arouse a deep sense of excitement for consulting. As it turned out for me, the session bored me to death. But I did go to listen to what a company of the calibre of BCG had to say.
Marks confound me to death. For the life of me I cannot explain why I get an 'A' in Marketing and an almost certain 'B' in (Corporate) Finance. Strange. But such is life.
In other news, my group bagged a project from one of the biggest global PE firms (corpus $10 bn.) Superb firm. Very interesting project.
One more week and Term 3 will be done. Though theoretically impossible, the pace of things here is fast approaching the speed of light. Believe you me.


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